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Satuan SI dan Definisi

Besaran Pokok
Satuan SI
Simbol Satuan
Satu meter adalah jarak tempuh cahaya dalam vakum dengan waktu 1/299.792.458 sekon
Satu kilogram adalah massa kilogram standar berupa silinder platina-iridium yang aslinya disimpan di Sevres, Paris
Satuan sekon adalah waktu yang digunakan oleh atom cesium-133 untuk bergetar sebanyak 9.192.631.770 kali
Satu kelvin adalah 1/273,16 kali suhu termodinaika titik tripel air
Suhu termodinamika titik tripel air adalah 273,16 K. Titik tripel air adalah suhu dimana air murni berada dalam keadaan seimbang dengan es dan uap jenuhnya.
Jumlah Zat
Satu mol adalah jumlah zat yang mengandung unsur elementer zat tersebut sebanyak jumlah atom karbon dalam 0,012 kg karbon-12
Kuat Arus Listrik
Satu Ampere adalah kuat arus tetap yang jika dialirkan melalui dua buah kawat yang sejajar dan sangat panjang, dengan tebal yang dapat diabaikan dan diletakkan pada jarak pisah 1 meter dalam vakum, menghasilkan gaya 2 X 10-7 newton pada setiap meter kawat.
Intensitas Cahaya
Satu candela adalah intensitas cahaya suatu sumber cahaya yang memancarkan radiasi monokromatik pada frekuensi 540x1012 Hz dengan intensitas sebesar 1/683 watt per steradian dalam arah tersebut

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A virus was discovered by Adolf Meyer in 1883. A virus is a metaorganism or transitional organism (organisme peralihan), because the characteristic is like living thing (only can develop in the living organism) and inanimate (because virus can be critalized, while the other living thing can’t be cristalized).

Virus is acellular organism (not a cel organism). Why? Because virus doesn’t have a cel membrane, protoplasm, and so on. It only has nucleolus in the form of DNA or RNA and selubung protein.

The structure of viruses  can be seen in Bacteriophage virus or bacteria eater virus:
1.Head > there is DNA or RNA. DNA found on the T4 virus, while RNA found on the AIDS, polio and influenza virus. The shape of the virus’ head is like octagonal (segi 8).
2.Tail Fiber > this fiber will stuck in the  cell when attacked. The virus’ tail is covered with capsid (protein coat) containing protein.
3.Skin > arranged from protein.

The shapes of virus : various shapes of virus, namely cylindrical, oval, square, elongated (memanjang), polihedral.

The size of virus : Viruses are usually much smaller than bacteria and are submicroscopic.  Most range in size from 5 to 300 nanometers (nm), although some Paramyxoviruses can be up to 14,000 nm long.

Virus Reproduction : 1. Lytic Cycle 2. Lysogenic Cycle
1.Lytic Cycle > virus yg melangsungkan daur litik disebut VIRULENT. Daur litik terdiri dari 3 tahap Adsorption and Penetration Stage, replication stage, lyses stage.
2.Lysogenic Cycle > virus yg melangsungkan daur lisogenik disebut TEMPERATE  VIRUS. Daur lisogenik terdiri atas 3 tahap juga: Adsorption and Penetration Stage, gene insertion stage, division stage.

The Diversity of Viruses
-Berdasarkan jenis sel inang yang diinfeksi: virus manusia, hewan, tumbuhan, bakteri.
  Virus manusia > menginfeksi manusia, dst
-Berdasarkan jenis materi genetika: virus DNA > contoh adenovirus, virus herpes dan virus RNA > contoh    virus rabies, influenza, polio. 

Virus hanya dapat bereproduksi apabila berada dalam sel makhluk hidup karena virus hanya dapat bereproduksi di dalam material hidup dengan menginvasi dan mengendalikan sel makhluk hidup karena virus tidak memiliki perlengkapan selular untuk bereproduksi sendiri
# bberapa soal ttg virus n jawaban  http://id.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20100814055933AAFMybS

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Plant Movement

Based on its stimulus, the movements in plant are grouped into three.
1.       Autonomic Movement
Is a movement that isn’t caused by external stimulus.
a.       The flowing movement of sytoplasm in cell.
b.      The bending movement of leaf bud because of difference of growth velocity.
c.       Movement that is shown by plant when grows such as the growth of root, stem, leaf, and flower.
2.       Exogenous Movement
Is a plant movement that caused by external stimulus. According to directions of stimulus and direction of response to the stimulus, this movement is divided into 3, namely NASTY, TROPISM, and TAXIS.
a.       Nastic movement: is a plant movement that its direction is not determined by stimulus but by the plant itself.
1.       Photonasty: caused by stimulus of sunlight.
Example: the closing and opening of Mirabilis jalava at certain time when there is light, the blossom of sun flower.
2.       Nictinasty: caused by dark condition or sleeping movement
Example: the closing of leaves of butterfly flower aat night, the closing of compound leaves in Leucaena glauca (petai cina) at night.
3.       Thigmonasty: caused by stimulus of touch
Example: the closing of leaves od Mimosa pudica when touched.
4.       Thermonasty: caused by temperature stimulus
Example: tulip flower will develop if suddenly gets temperature increment and close anymore if temperature decreases.
5.   Complex Nasty: caused by severel factors altogether, i.e CO2 level, CA ions, temperature, sunlight, etc.
Example: the opening and closing of stomata.
b.      Tropism: is a plant movement that its direction is influeced by stimulus.
1.       Phototropism: caused by stimulus of sunlight.
Example: the tip of plant in a room will direction of incident light.
2.       Geotropism: tropism movement that follows Earth gravitational force.
Example: the tip of root grows to the direction of gravitation (positive geotropism), the tip of stem grows upward leaving gravitational force (negative geotropism)
3.       Chemotropism: caused by stimulus of chemical substance.
Example: the movement of root to food substance in soil (positive Chemotropism), the movement of root leaving poison (negative Chemotropism).
4.       Thigmotropism: caused by stimulus of touch to harder thing.
Example: Tendril (sulur) that touches hard thing, it will happen contact and that tendril will twist the hard thing.
5.       Hydrotropism: movement of plant root that is influenced by reservation of soil water.
c.       Taxis: transfer movement of all body to stimulus that its direction is determined by the stimulus .
1.       Phototaxis: caused by stimulus of sunlight.
Example: the movement of chlorophyll to the surface that gets light, movement of spore that has flagella to the light place.
2.       Chemotaxis: caused by chemical stimulus.
Example: movement of spermatozoid of moss plant and fern to ovum that is found in archegonium attracted to the sugar or protein that is produced by archegonium
3.       Hygroscopic Movement: caused by the influence of the chage of water level from its cells so happens nonhomogenous wrinkling.
a.       The opening of sporangium in fern as the cause of the wrinkling of annulus cells.

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Monocotyl and Dicotyl

Root system
Boundary of root end with calyptra
Not clear
It’s consist of severel cell layer of thick wall
It is consist of one cell layer of thick wall
Location of tranportation bundle

Xylem and phloem alternatingly
Has collateral property, phloem is outside, xylem is inside
Not exist
Not exist

              Difference of monocotyledon and dicotyledon roots

                 Difference of monocotyledon and dicotyledon stems
Location of transport bundle
Not exist
Enlengthen and enlargement
Enlengthen, limited, enlargement

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1)      Smooth Muscle (otot polos)
                Have roll shape
                It has a nucleus, its located in the center
                It works unvoluntery (tdk sadar)
# parts of body that are composed by smooth muscle are diggestive treat wall, blood vascular wall, and uterus wall.
2)      Skeletal Muscle (otot lurik)
                Has long shape
                It has many nucleus, in the side (tepi)
                Works consciously (sadar)
# All of skeleton bones are covered by skeletal muscle
3)      Cardiac muscle (otot jantung)
                Has many nucleus, in the center
                Works unvoluntery
#found in heart

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     *  Joint is connection of bones or interbones connection
·         ** Joint can be separated into 3 kinds: rigid (synarthosis), amphiarthosis, and movement joint (diarthosis)
1.       Rigid joint : i.e bones that form skull
2.       Amphiarthosis : i.e connection between ribs and sternum; connection of hand carpi bones (tulang2 pergelangan tangan) and leg wrist talus (tulang2 pergelangan kaki)
3.       Movement joint (diarthrosis) : ball and socket joint (peluru), hinge joint (engsel), pivot joint (putar), n saddle joint (pelana).
a.       Ball and socket joint (peluru) : can be done to every direction. i.e shoulder wrist.
b.      Hinge joint (engsel) : only to one direction. i.e elbow and knee.
c.       Pivot joint (putar) : its movement is rotation. i.e atlas bone in skull bone to rotator bone so head can move in rotation.
d.      Saddle joint (pelana) : its movement is two direction. i.e the tip of bone between hand thumb and hand palm bone.

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pembuluh darah

1. Pembuluh darah arteri atau nadi
Pembuluh darah arteri adalah pembuluh darah yang berasal dari bilik jantung yang berdinding tebal dan kaku.
- Pembuluh arteri yang datang dari bilik sebelah kiri dinamakan aorta yang tugasnya mengangkut oksigen untuk disebar ke seluruh tubuh.
- Pembuluh arteri yang asalnya dari bilik kanan disebut sebagai pembuluh pulmonalis yang betugas membawa darah yang terkontaminasi karbon dioksida dari setiap bagian tubuh menuju ke paru-paru.
2. Pembuluh darah vena atau balik
Pembuluh darah vena adalah pembuluh darah yang datang menuju serambi jantung yang bersifat tipis dan elastis.
- Pembuluh vena kava anterior adalah pembuluh balik yang berasal dari bagian atas tubuh.
- Pembuluh vena kava pulmonalis adalah pembuluh balik yang berasal dari bagian bawah tubuh.
3. Pembuluh darah kapiler
pembuluh darah kapiler adalah ujung yang berada di paling akhir dari pembuluh arteri. Jaringan pembuluh darah kapiler membentuk suatu anyaman rumit di mana setiap mili meter dari suatu jaringan memiliki kurang lebih sekitar 2000 kapiler darah.

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human brain

* Cerebrum
a. Frontal Lobe : as controlling muscle movement and thinking
b. Parietal Lobe : as a regulator of changes the skin and muscle 
c. Occipital Lobe : as the central sight
d. Temporal Lobe : as the central auditory, taste and smelling
* Cerebellum : regulate the balance of body position

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